Photograph provided by Fukuoka City.
Welcome to SMS2019
The first Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Japan was held in 2001 at the Komaba Campus of the University of Tokyo, intending to give chances for young scientists including graduate and undergraduate students to have oral presentations.
The 23rd Symposium will be held at the Nanakuma Campus of Fukuoka University, which is located southwest in Fukuoka city, JAPAN. We hope many researchers from abroad to attend the meeting.
The main topics of the symposium is high-resolution molecular spectroscopy. We also welcome for example the following topics:
· Reaction dynamics
· Quantum chemistry
· Atmospheric processes
· New spectroscopy techniques, etc.
· Quantum chemistry
· Atmospheric processes
· New spectroscopy techniques, etc.
In recent years, roughly 100 persons including those from overseas attended at the meeting. 1 or 2 invited talk(s) and about 35 papers were presented by not only students but also experts in molecular science in two days.
Although it is still a domestic meeting, where most of the presentations are given in Japanese, powerpoint presentations and short-abstracts are required to be prepared in English, so that participants from abroad can understand the presentations. We are also encouraging participants to give their presentations entirely in English.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Fukuoka, Nov. 2023.
Masatoshi MISONO, Yoshinori NIBU, and Yuji YAMADA,
Organizer, SMSJ2023.
Information about the 23rd Meeting
This meeting is hosted by Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Japan and the Spectroscopical Society of Japan, and supported by the Chemical Society of Japan.
10-11, Nov. 2023
Multipurpose Hall (map Nanakuma Campus, Fukuoka University (8-19-1 Nanakuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180, JAPAN)
27 Oct. 2023 (Deadline)
27 Oct. 2023 (Deadline)
27 Oct. 2023 (Deadline)
*All the participants are required to register online in advance.
Experimental and theoretical researches for molecular structures, electronic structures, and dynamics in the ground and exited states on molecules and molecular complexes
· High-resolution molecular spectroscopy
· Reaction dynamics
· Quantum chemistry
· Interstellar spectra
· Atmospheric processes
· New spectroscopy techniques
· Reaction dynamics
· Quantum chemistry
· Interstellar spectra
· Atmospheric processes
· New spectroscopy techniques
Contributed papers:
Only oral presentations (20 or 10min.) are available. Please prepare your presentation on PC (e.g. MS PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.).
20 min. (talk 15min + discussion 5min.)
10 min. (talk 7min + discussion 3min.)
10 min. (talk 7min + discussion 3min.)
Invited talks
Prof. N. Ohmae
"Transportable optical lattice clocks and their applications to relativistic geodesy"
Registration fee*:
4,000 JPY (student: 1,000 JPY)
The registration fee is subjected to change.
Faculty of Science, Fukuoka Univ.
Masatoshi MISONO
Yoshinori NIBU
(please replace "_at_" with "@".)
Masatoshi MISONO
Yoshinori NIBU
(please replace "_at_" with "@".)